Remember how hungry you were around eleven o'clock this morning? I know you thought it was closer to breakfast time than it actually was, so your bowl of cereal five hours earlier was no longer nourishing you. Instead, your insides were being devoured by invisible hellhounds sent by Satan himself. Being this hungry, you had a hard time concentrating on your scholarly studies. If you have ever been in the Saw trap that rips your ribcage open, you would know how hard it is to do anything other than trying to get out of the trap. Would you stop trying to dig a key out from behind your eyeball in order to take notes on transcription of DNA while the timer was ticking? I mean, we all would like to think that we could put our hands in strong acids to reach keys to set ourselves free, but would we really?
Anyway, you were really hungry so you went to the Carl's Jr. on campus and ate a Spicy Guacamole Bacon Burger. As delicious as it was, you immediately felt sick and bloated and fat.

Now, pay attention to this next part, Jenna. I really want you to remember this part of the story. As you lumbered off toward your next class, you walked slower than you ever have before. You could hear your own heart pounding, you felt it in all your veins and arteries. You were breathing heavier. You were creating an earthquake with each step.

I want you to remember how miserable you felt as you rolled your blob up the stairs.

And I leave you with this: remember this day, Jenna. Do not ever forget this day.

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