I was reading Hyperbole and a Half, because I figure if I read maybe thirty to fifty posts a day I'll get funnier, when I started to feel my nose get really hot inside, then I dripped all over myself. My first concern was for my computer, because I'm poor, and those cost a lot and should stay clean. My second concern was for my clothes because I'm poor and those cost a lot and should stay clean because the stain won't come out and I don't want to have to buy more clothes.
You see, the problem with my nose is that it is really good at starting to bleed. It just has to learn when to stop. I got some tissue and stuck it in there, which has worked lately for getting the bleeding to stop, only this time, it just kept going! So I switched tissues, and stuck it up in my nostril even farther, and it finally stopped coming out of my nose. And commenced to run down my throat, and thus into my mouth. Of course, I have a fear of my bloody noses running into my mouth and staining my teeth red. So I swallowed the blood, and down it went, into my stomach, and blood in my stomach always makes me feel sick.

One time, in middle school, I had a bloody nose, so I stuffed it with tissue, and then a couple minutes later, the other side of my nose started breathing, so I stuffed that side with tissue, too. So now I had to breathe through my mouth. And of course the blood ran down my throat and into my mouth, as usual, and I couldn't breathe at all! I ran to my dad for help and started sputtering and choking through my blood that I couldn't breathe and that I had a bloody nose. He told me to calm down and just let the blood go out my nose over the sink. Okay....

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