I walked into the computer room and told Boyfriend, "They said they'll be here within the hour." Boyfriend huffed, as if to say, "I'm hungry now! But okay...." I said, "Maybe it takes a long time to make calzones?" Boyfriend grunted, as if to say, "Whatever...."
I sat down at my desk and piddled around on the internet for a while, eventually looking out into the living room at my purse. I thought, "I'll get up in a minute when I'm done here (with whatever website I was looking at at the time) and get my twenty out."
Thirty minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up from the desk in a flurry: "Where's Belle? Grab Belle! Where's my twenty? It's in my wallet still?! Dang it! I need my twenty!" I ran to my purse and pulled out my wallet and ran to open the door so the delivery person wouldn't have to knock twice and so I didn't have to shout through the door that I would just be a second, I opened the door, and Belle ran out to sniff. "Grab Belle! Belle! Inside! Belle! I have a twenty!" The delivery guy gave me my food and five dollars while Boyfriend grabbed Belle. "Here's four dollars! Have a good night!" Delivery guy left and I closed the door. Boyfriend scoffed, as if to say, "Four dollars?" I like to tip four dollars for almost any price, because four dollars seems like a good starting point for tips. If I were receiving a one or two dollar tip, to me, it almost wouldn't seem worth it. Also, people in the food service industry used to get paid below minimum wage, which was why there were tips. But people usually get paid minimum wage a

Anyway, I was devouring my yummy calzone with vigor, and I spilled marinara sauce on my shirt twice! I was a sad panda. And just yesterday, I spilled soy sauce down my front as well! That's why I'm on a winning streak, but with sarcasm because staining two of your favorite shirts in a row is not a win, it's a fail, so technically I'm on a failing streak. I'm like a horrible baseball player. They have foul streaks, right? The horrible ones? Do baseball teams even have horrible players anymore? Does baseball even exist anymore? I never hear about it.