After I had already gone to bed, I could still hear the pitter patter of Lucy's little claws on the hardwood floor as she paced between the window and the buffet table that the mouse had disappeared under. This made me a little apprehensive... Where did the mouse go if not out of the table and into Lucy's mouth and claws? Might it have had a hole somewhere under there where it could roam to any other part of the house? I was wrought with terror as I lay awake in the hardly-ever-used-and-thus-dusty guest bed.

Could mice climb walls? What if there was one on the bed right now? What if one fell from the ceiling and onto my face? Should I open my eyes and brave what horrors I might find? Or should I keep them shut and put the tiny claws to every itch and scratch I felt on myself? I was afraid of both sides.

There is no resolution to this story. Who knows if mice were actually crawling on my face? All I know is that I'm just happy to have my own bed back.
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